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So you've stumbled upon an author-in-progress website. Shall we begin with introductions?

The Builder Behind the Words

Ouch. I suppose it’s time for the elevator pitch, huh? Well, here it goes…


Corlis C. Fraga is a worldbuilder who occasionally makes viable ecosystems, a worldbreaker with lyrical whims, and a wanderer of this little mud ball called Earth. She's a writer with an eclectic job roster that only occasionally involves her Rare Book and Digital Humanities master's degree (which is how she likes it). Be on the lookout for her adventures on Instagram, along with the wayward mischief of her novel friends! 


In other words… 

Hi, I’m Corlis. It’s a pleasure to meet you.

The Books

I am currently working on a debut middle-grade novel, so there’s not much to report for now.


Stay tuned for more news on the horizon!

The Bridges

Every step of a journey can offer opportunities to learn and grow, especially when the future feels unclear. Check out my current adventures as I unfold my own creator’s journey, one day at a time. 

The Builder

✒️ Writer
🌎 Worldsmith
✨ Multidisciplinary Wanderer
💻 Digital Humanist
🌱 Child of the Forest

❓Infinite Questioner


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